Howdy! Welcome to our website!

This site is run by me (Acacia) and my headmates, as a space for us all to share general thoughts and feelings as they relate to both our experience being plural, and our various identites as nonhuman (which 4/5 of us are). It is also a space for use to play around with web design, pixel art, and truly self indulgent pages. Check out the dragon garden to get a taste of just how far that can go!

Click around, read some blog posts as they are made, check out some of our friends, and just have a good time! The best place you can find us is over on our tumblr, where we reblog fandom content, general art and animal photos that we like, and share our writing! It is also the place to go if you want to talk or ask a question--we're always open to chatting about this sort of thing!

The site itself was coded by Acacia and Chara. The music player is from SCM Music Player.

We hope you decide to stay a while! Thanks for checking us out! 💖