Welcome: to the Dragon Garden

That's right: you've made it to the dumbest part of this website! Little known fact about me (Acacia), but since 2021 I've been really into making lyric lineages on Dragon Cave, a site where you adopt and breed dragons. A lyric lineage is a project in which you breed and name dragons in a specific way, so that for the last member of the lineage, it shows the lyrics to an entire song! I've made...too many of them. It's really fun, okay. I have many spreadsheets and everything!

Here, I've organized all such lineages for your viewing pleasure! And don't worry if the dragon part is confusing: this is basically a very complicated way for me to share some of my favorite songs, which is why I have so many of them. I make these regularly but they do take time (a few months on average), so check back every so often to see more!

Click on the dragons to see the lineage, and the song title to listen to the song on Youtube! Or you can use the site's music player, which has all the songs shown here!

Completed Lineage Count: 25


by Of Monsters and Men

Started: July 2021

Completed: September 4, 2021

Favorite Lines: 'but I'm okay / in see-through skin / i forgive what is within' (2:57-3:10)

Thoughts: man i've LOVED this band for so so long, their first two albums go so hard. i have really fond memories of listening to beneath the skin (second album) while lying on my bedroom floor just. mesmerized lol, and that's the album this song is from! it's just such a pretty song!

as for the dragons chosen for this line, i really wanted to use pygmy dragons 'cause they've always been my favorite type of dragon on the site. i feel like these two just really match the song, particually the magelight (light green) one. the little purple fire on their tails just feels really fitting to me.


by Radical Face

Started: October 2021

Completed: December 2, 2021

Favorite Lines: 'and we said when we caught it that / we would cut it up in two / and we'd wear the halves on necklaces / and then i could control tides with you' (4:01-19)

Thoughts: radical face!!! i've been a radical face fan since. man. 2016 i think? when i came across some of his songs on this one person's 8-track playlists, and, uh, yeah that altered the course of my life and music taste lol. i have a LOT of favorite radical face songs and number one changes a lot, but nightclothes was one of the first radical face songs i ever heard and it is SO important to me. just a beautiful, heartbreaking little song. i still have the playlist i found it on saved--'buttercups' by fringish. it was a chara and asriel playlist, and it's literally so right. just. yeah. that's how it goes.

as for the dragons themselves, these are my favorite dragons on the site: royal blue dragons. before i got into lyric lineages i hoarded royal blues, and i still do passively. at the time i made it nightclothes was one of my favorite songs of all time, so i thought it fitting to use my favorite dragons of all time.

Small Hands

by Radical Face

Started: June 2021

Completed: December 16, 2021

Favorite Lines: 'and though my hands are much to small to hold you up / i will be there to pick up the pieces / and keep you housed while you mend them up' (1:57-2:12)

Thoughts: just a really beautiful and sweet song. another one of my original favorite radical face songs, and one i'm still super, super fond of, espeically now. i think i like it more now then i did when i was younger lol, it just...really stands out. it just CARES, yknow?

i really like the dragons i chose for this one. the yellow and the black contrast really nicely against each other, and the poses the dragons are in just fit the tone of the song to me--just, being there and supportive, through it all.

Paradise Valley

by Honey and the Sting

Started: July 2021

Completed: December 17, 2021

Favorite Lines: 'in the past i lay out on the land / stretch my legs let my chest expand / if we could flow together someday / then i'll float away' (4:10-4:30)

Thoughts: oh ho ho THIS SONG!!!! this song is featured in the podcast wolf 359, in the special episode change of mind, featuring lovelace! it was...maybe a year before i started doing these that ada and i listened to wolf 359, me again, her for the first time, and. yeah. its a really, REALLY good podcast, and i'm not just saying that because the real hera wolf 359 lives in my head (hi ada). this song is GREAT, and even better is the way its used in the show! just. man. yeah. you've got to listen to it to understand. wolf 359...

now for the dragons themself this was an ORDEAL to complete lol. i chose the nebula dragon, because, uh, space, duh, but these dragons come in four colors--which means. not only did i have to collect all my caveborns (the nebula dragon is a pretty uncommon spawn) i had to make sure!! they colored correctly!!! so my nice alternating color lines stayed!! like it was worth it, i love this line, but man.

Started: August 2021

Completed: December 20, 2021

Favorite Lines: 'well i know that the ones we love / oh they never really leave / so i'll see you in the rearview smiling from the backseat (1:42-1:55)

Thoughts: another one of my favorite songs of ALL time holy shit, this one is like, where to even start?? its SUCH a good look at like, losing someone close to you, at keeping them with you still, at the like, joy of living, of being alive, of how people you care about are with you even when they're gone. its just such a good SONG it is everything to me. fun fact about this song is that in my fic 'dear dess, love asriel' there is a scene where the characters are driving to a funeral, and its referenced that a song comes on--this is the song!!! this is a song that like, i want played when i die, you know? its just...a breathing out. beautiful

as for the dragons, i picked them to match the song's title! 'darkness and also a light,' and these two dragons are the sunbeam/moonglow drakes! the contrast is Fitting.

Soldier On

by The Temper Trap

Started: June 2021

Completed: February 3, 2022

Favorite Lines: 'no one will know / when seasons cease to change and / how far we've gone' (0:35-52)

Thoughts: this one is actually a departure from the rest of the dragons so far, 'cause this isn't actually one of my favorite songs! this is a song my dad really likes, so i made this lineage in his honor lol. like don't get me wrong i do think it's a pretty song, but if it wasn't for my dad it would just be one of the many songs i like but dont love, yknow?

i really adore the dragons i used here, though, there's just something about their colors and poses that really goes with the song to me. i find the antarean (orange) dragons super, SUPER pretty, i love their feathered wings! and i love how the black capped teimarr (green-gray/yellow) looks like it's jumping, almost--just two very nice dragons!

Blue Blood

by Foals

Started: November 2021

Completed: February 28, 2022

Favorite Lines: 'of all the people / it had to be you / then i'll bite my nails to the quick / and run back home' (1:55-2:09)

Thoughts: i found this song from this really, really good animatic by skailla on youtube, and i've really liked it ever since! when i made this specific lineage i was thinking about naddpod, actually--i think this song fits hardwon and moonshine real well. and beyond that, i just find it a very sweet song, this idea of like--always returning to this one person, and how it's always been them. very poetic!

i think its clear why i picked these dragons: they're blue! that was about it lol, but i do think their poses fit the song, too, i like the way the dragons are looking upward, as if trying to find someone--sort of like the song, wow!

The Graduate

by The Arcadian Wild

Started: October 2021

Completed: March 3, 2022

Favorite Lines: 'we share a heart of gold / we are a body of broken bones / when were we ever alone? / together we'll make our way home' (4:04-19)

Thoughts: oh my god this song THIS SONG. okay so first off this is the number one frisk and chara song of all time so jot that down. second I LOVE THIS AS A PLURAL SONG SO MUCH...like idk if thats the INTENT but its about how it goes from 'weighed down by a heart of stone' and being alone, to meeting someone else and being 'weighed down by OUR hearts of stone' to the end where 'WE SHARE a heart of gold' like how else am i supposed to take it!!! god!!!! its so good!!!!!! song of all freaking time!!!

as for the dragons of choice, i once again was trying to match the dragons to the song...the honey drakes (yellow) have this sort of uplifting pose, since they're starting to fly upwards, while the glaucus drakes (blues) are looking back, as if inviting someone in. also i think they're both very pretty. look it all makes sense in my head okay.

Started: August 2021

Completed: May 7, 2022

Favorite Lines: 'but to you i'm just a confused child / insecure or in denial / go raise your robes, go have your trial / i'll let you win' (2:51-3:03)

Thoughts: throwback to the orignal wtnv weathers. anyways. GOD. what to even say about this song. it goes SO HARD, and i adore it even more each and every time i hear it...i just really like the singer's voice, i really like the music behind it, the lyrics themselves are super good, its just! overall! an amazing song!!! also once back in like 2016, 17, i saw an animatic to this song about chara from undertale and yeah. that person was literally so so right.

i cannot explain WHY i feel like these two dragons fit the song so well, but they just do, in my head. i really like lineages where the pattern of dragons has them looking at each other--so, the swallowtail (blue) looking down, the speckled-throated (white) looking up...there's just something super satisfying in that pattern. i also like the contrast of the speckled-throated flying as it looks back, and the swallowtail sitting with its wings up as if trying to protect itself, i think both match the vibes of the song well.

Butterfly Wings

by Owl City

Started: November 2021

Completed: May 12, 2022

Favorite Lines: 'but should i slip away / into the stormy sea / will you remember me?' (0:33-40)

Thoughts: yeah so i've been an owl city fan since i was a kid and a lot of his songs hold so much nostalgia for me lol. this is up there as one of my favorites! fun fact about this song is that back when ada and i were writing the wolf 359 daemon au we listened to this song a LOT, idk why just luck of random shuffle, and so now it's forever associated with that story for us! it is a banger song, though. i like the Sounds :)

THIS. LINE. THIS MOTHERFUCKING LINE. okay so these dragons, gemshard dragons? super pretty! they come in six color varients, and i really wanted to do a rainbow line, but the thing. is. the thing is. color is determined by the day the egg is created. and i had to get 16 caveborns AND THESE GUYS ARE BOTH RARE AND PRETTY POPULAR. so when they do spawn they go FAST. and once i HAD all 16 oh the troubles weren't over, no, i had to create a whole separate row of my spreadsheet to make sure i bred these guys on the correct days of the week. but now that its done this is one of my favorite lines appearance wise, i think, i'm SUPER proud of it. as for why they're the choice for this song, the song is about butterflies!! these guys are colorful! it fits.

John My Beloved

by Sufjan Stevens

Started: July 2021

Completed: December 17, 2022

Favorite Lines: 'so can we be friends, sweetly? / before the mystery ends / i love you more than the world can contain in its lonely and ramshackle head / there's only a shadow of me / in a matter of speaking, i'm dead' (2:36-3:07)

Thoughts: this song! i don't have a whole lot to say about it, actually...i just think it's really beautiful, and very tragic! i like songs like that, haha...and i REALLY REALLY like the lines i have for my favorites, actually, sometimes i like entire songs as a whole and i struggle to pick specific lines 'cause i want to just but them all, and i DO like this entire song, but this specific section has always just really stood out to me. 'lonely and ramshackle head' is just such a lovely combination of words. i dont know! i like quiet tragidies, i think, which is obvious if you dig into my body of work, lol. let's not consider what that says about me.

you might have noticed this line took me a year and a half. so the story behind that is this is one of the first lines i ever started--i really wanted to do a sort of heart-shaped lineage, and this was the first one i planned, because, c'mon, the heart fits the vibes of the song. the problem is i chose a seasonal dragon for one of the dragons and. so. those are locked to Real Life Seasons. and my dragons did not cooperate so i had to wait til autumn rolled back around to finish it. but i really like how this one looks!

Fine, Great

by Modern Baseball

Started: December 2022

Completed: March 15, 2023

Favorite Lines: 'with actually having / to tell you my worries / with actually having you give a damn about me / you giving a damn about--' (1:39-57)

Thoughts: gonna be so real y'all the entire reason this one exists is because of one very good warrior cat music video that i watched on repeat for like a week and so this was planned out in that state. i do like the song but i wouldn't call it one of my favorites, yeah? BUT THE WARRIOR CAT MUSIC VIDEO WAS VERY GOOD. REALLY GOOD LOOK ON JAYFEATHER. LITERALLY PEAK WARRIOR CAT CONTENT EVER. i'm not a fan of warrior cats anymore but since it was my childhood i can't ever truly escape from it.

this was a really easy line, actually! there are a lot of dragons in it, but they're pretty common and i got very lucky with my breeding pairs actually producing the correct egg the first time around. i like the color pallet here...the dark purples and pinks contrasted with the vibrant blues is very fun! i particually like the pose of the aqualis dragons (blue)...sometimes i do struggle to pick out good dragons to match the vibes of the songs but this one just came together real nicely!

My Tiger, My Heart

by The Boy Least Likely To

Started: January 2023

Completed: April 20, 2023

Favorite Lines: 'my tiger, my heart / we're growing apart / we're trying to be friends / but it's hard sometimes / to be friends with something / that eats butterflies / and pencil sharpeners / and i think it would be / happier being free' (1:25-59)

Thoughts: okay so i can't actually talk about this song without yelling about deltarune so if you will indulge me--

JUST. OKAY. SO THIS SONG IS JUST...SOOOO MY VERSION OF DESSCORE IT'S LIKE. ACTUALLY SPOT ON IN EVERY SINGLE WAY LOL. okay so long story short if you haven't read the acaciapines deltarune cinematic universe, my version of dess chooses to leave--descends into the bunker, is bombarded with Knowledge that fucks her up, and she has to leave because she has to stop this and this town is going to kill her sister and it is going to twist kris into something they aren't. (note: this isn't right! but she's very much not in her right mind and trying her best, and. look just read the holiday-dreemurr kids lol anyways). and so then we get this song, which is about somebody who has this really nice life, but just...can't stay. something changes and they can't stay, so they leave, because they have to, because its the only way they can be free. AND WHEN APPLIED TO DESS AND KRIS. just. every single line fits so WELL with the way i write their characters, the backstory i have...from this idea of 'but we have to grow up' in regards to dess and asriel, dess looking at asriel who doesn't believe her, and so she's stuck with this, to kris as the 'tiger' that was dess's heart but now they can't be friends, not after what she's seen, not after what they'll become...to 'and i think it would be / happier being free' to the way it ENDS with 'my tiger, my friend / my little godsend / i know one day we'll be happy again' which is how kris is the one who heals their relationship, this itty kid who has grown into themself and isn't at all who dess thought they'd be, but is GOOD...

it's, uh, perfect. is what i'm saying. i've storyboarded out an animatic to it and everything.

AS FOR THE ACTUAL PHYSICAL LINEAGE ITSELF. i like the dragons' muted colors, soft blues and yellows, i think it fits with the muted tone of the song. the heart-shape, because of course, love plays a really big role in how i write both kris and dess, because they're both aromantic (kris is loveless, dess isn't). i just get this feeling of...longing and melancholy looking at it, nostalgia, maybe, and that matches how i see the song.

and kris and dess I AM SIMPLY BUILT LIKE THIS--

San Cristobal

by Mal Blum

Started: December 2022

Completed: June 10, 2023

Favorite Lines: 'i have not been writing as often as i hoped / but there are some things you're good at / and then some you can't control and / you have not been visiting / i can't say that i mind / 'cause everytime you go somewhere you leave somewhere behind' (1:34-54)

Thoughts: okay so i do have to talk about deltarune again. sorry.

this is my other dess song! like my tiger my heart it is WILD how much this song fits with her as i write her, like, its to the point where this song and the way the singer sings it is sort of how i imagine dess talks. if dess were to write a song She Would Write This One. specifically this is a song about dess and asriel: her singing it about him and their relationship post-her-leaving, in a world where she doesnt get stuck in a dark world. its about how they used to be so close, but she left, and now the two of them are discovering themselves entirely apart--dess with all her new dark-world-busting friends, asriel going to college, and the two of them never really able to reconnect, because dess can't ever get herself to call him and just, like, rekindle what they had, because what if its lost forever? what if she ruined it? what if there's no going back? ITS A VERY GOOD SONG.

for the line itself i did actually try to pick dragons that reminded me of dess and azzy lol. i do not consider myself fully sucessful on that front, but i do like who i settled with...the two do my favorite 'its like they're looking at each other' pattern and the oranges and purples match real nicely. i really like this line! making the song fit was an ORDEAL, though, spent a lot of time messing with that.

Dear Daphne

by Clara C

Started: December 2022

Completed: June 20, 2023

Favorite Lines: 'you don't need / that kind of black and blue / marking up your heart, bleeding through / all of your pages, pages' (3:05-23)

Thoughts: GOD. DEAR DAPHNE. OKAY. so i'll write for this one but man this isn't even for me, okay, like do not get me wrong i ADORE this song, loved it for years and years and years, but this is my headmate chara's song through-and-through. it's just...look, are the both of us well aware this is a song about someone watching their friend struggle in a bad romantic relationship that they recognize because they've been there before? yes. does that stop chara hearing this song and thinking about xir kid xe had to leave behind? NOT AT ALL. OKAY. JUST. the entire chorus gets xir so hard that it does not matter how close xe is to front this song coming on WILL drag xir out and WILL make me super emotional in-turn from the bleedover of emotions. honest to god look at this chorus: 'stay with me / your eyes are rolling to the back of your head / stay with me / remember the love that i've sent / til then i'll keep holding your head.' do i even have to say anything else. what an emotional song.

all that said i KNEW i was gonna make a line for it, lol. chose pygmy dragons cause they're my favorite 'type' of dragon on the site so i tend towards them for the songs that mean a lot. the actual species were sort of...arbitrary, in a sense? like, they look nice together, and for the avin (dark green) specfically, something about the pose just spoke to a longing the song always makes us feel.

Rule #4 Fish in a Birdcage

by Fish in a Birdcage

Started: December 2022

Completed: July 1, 3023

Favorite Lines: 'you gave me more than i could ask for / indistinguishability' (1:56-2:04)

Thoughts: yes indeed i did find this song from the owl house video by rileyclaw thank you for asking. ANYWAYS ITS A BANGER. fell in love with the song the second i heard it lol, its just got such a cool vibe going for it and yes the owl house animatic helped too lol. look like half my music taste came from warrior cats music videos you should be glad i'm not worse. all that said, i don't have a whole lot to say here! its a cool song! wanted to make something for it!

as for the dragons, since i do associate this song so strongly with the owl house, specifically hunter seeing as that's who the animatic is about, i based my dragon choices off that! the royal crimson, being red, for flapjack, and the golden wyvern ditto for hunter. i really like how this one looks! it came together super nicely even if collecting all those golden wyverns AND GETTING THEM TO BREED GOLDEN EGGS AND NOT MORE CRIMSON EGGS TOOK. well. lets just say 'a while.' but i always love when one of these lines comes together! always makes me feel real acomplished cause i know how much work went into them. i do think in a perfect world the final dragon would've been a golden wyvern but also i didnt wanna put off finishing it to wait for that to happen.

So Long

by Abhi the Nomad

Started: January 2023

Completed: August 1, 2023

Favorite Lines: 'cause there's many many places you could be, yeah / there's many many places you could see, yeah / but you're stuck right here / waiting for my words to change your point of view / so i said' (2:05-21)

Thoughts: the second i heard this song i was obsessed. simply the vibes here are PERFECT okay. its such a perfect song i don't even have all that much to say, it's got a great beat, talented singer, banger lyrics...its a bop! a banger! it's one of those songs where i can so strongly picture what an animated flight scene might look like to it--yes i do regurally think about what songs could have cool flight scenes animated to them--and it just makes me go :D whenever it comes on my shuffle.

dragons! took me a while to settle on these two, actually, i couldn't ever really figure out what dragons i felt best fit this song lol. but i like where i ended up! the stratos dragons change colors throughout the day, which i think is cool and in my head fits the song, and the astaarus (blue w/ gold tail) just looks very happy, which is! how the song makes me feel! the hardest part about this line was fitting the lyrics all in my limited amount of space, even with cutting out all but one chorus it took A Bit.


by Yabadum

Started: April 2023

Completed: August 10, 2023

Favorite Lines: 'i could not bring myself to be anything for you / i turn into a monster and scare myself to death / oh, how come the cosmos never let us settle down and rest? / we keep on struggling just to be the best' (2:18-34)

Thoughts: this is just a really fun song!!! i really like the Sounds of it, not that i have anything much smarter to say about it than that lol, i really really adore the chorus...i mean i love the whole song really. music! yay! wahoo!!! some songs i have a whole story for but here i'm just vibing to the music!

i think my choices here were VERY clear lol, i needed a space-themed dragon cause. the song is called cosmos i can't NOT. plus they've got a super great pose that really matches the vibes of the song, no i cannot explain why i simply look at the dragon and go yeah. you fit. the other species in the lineage was also chosen based on its looks--while not space themed the pose matches SUPER well, i really like how they're holding up one of their forepaws. it's very cute!


by Gregory and the Hawk

Started: June 2023

Completed: October 3, 2023

Favorite Lines: 'so save me and tell me how / it all got so doubtful / leave me nothing now / back on the old road / you're wishing you'll wind me down / give me a mouthful / and leave me nothing now' (1:56-2:16)

Thoughts: this song has been on my playlist forEVER, but the thing that made me sit down and make a line for it was actually a. um. dungeons and daddies animatic. LOOK. SCARY MARLOWE IS EVERYTHING TO ME OKAY...i love the song on its own merits but that animatic was soooo good it made me appreciated the song all over again! i love how it has such an upbeat sound and then you listen to it and its like. oh. okay then lemme just. tear up for a second. god. beautiful song doubtful i love you.

when picking dragons, i really was just trying to capture the essence of Everything this song makes me feel, and so! i found the costal waverunner (blue) because i felt like the colors really fit with the like, sadness i feel from the song? sadness isnt the right word pretend you know what it is. but also the way the wings almost hug the dragon, like its trying to protect itself...yeah. and then we have the harvest dragon (yellow/orange) which, one, contrasts super nicely agaisnt the blue, but two, i really love the way these dragons are sitting and looking up, with one paw raised--it speaks to a longing i very much get from the song, too! also, the lineage is heart-shaped because, well one its a short song, but also. of course it is.

Impostor Syndrome

by Sidney Gish

Started: June 2023

Completed: November 25, 2023

Favorite Lines: 'i don't blend in at petsmart / and that truth remains for the walmart / cause in either case they say to me / what the fuck is lost in aisle three' (1:27-43)

Thoughts: i do not actually think it is possible for me to explain how much this song means to me but i will do my best. i adore sidney gish, literally all her songs slap (my favorite is sin triangle! i could never make a lineage of it 'cause there is no way to make the line 'two-faced bitches never lie' fly on a dragon collection site lol) but this one is i think the one that hits The Hardest. okay well this one and presumably dead arm but we will get to you. BUT THIS SONG...like, as someone who is a hawk and a margay this song gets that SO WELL, just. never really fitting in with humans OR with hawks and margays, the chorus with 'every other day im wondering / what's a human being gotta be like / what's a way to just be competent / these sweet instincts ruin my life' because. yeah. yeah they do. just EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SONG....my best friend. i love this song.

this song is so important to me i refused to cut out a single chorus. yes that made it so much harder to fit everything yes i am so glad i did. i picked dragons on the paler side color-wise bc i felt like it matched the song, the more washed out look really worked for me. also, pink and blue! a great combination of colors. love them. other than that the dragons themselves were more picked 'cause they look good together and i've wanted to do lineages with them, lol, tho i do think the guardian (blue) fits really well, trying to protect the self...